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π² | You swing your axe and cut into a **oak** tree gaining **64xp** and **50 silver**
π | You just leveled up! Your new wood cutting level is: **Level 1** (+1% chance, +1% value)
β | You swing your pickaxe and strike **iron** gaining **104xp**
π | You just leveled up! Your new mining level is: **Level 1** (+1% chance, +1% value)
π£ | You cast your fishing pole and caught a **boot** gaining **18xp** and **20 silver**
π | You just leveled up! Your new fishing level is: **Level 1** (+1% chance, +1% value)
# Here's a list of available counters;
cookies, boops, spanks, hugs, pets, kisses, slaps.
# To view your leaderboard use `y!counters `
π΅ | Now playing **Asterix at the Olympic Games Soundtrack - Louti Battle** added by **S.P.Q.R**