XXL 2 was only on PC and PS2 originally
@Martyste Tendertail If the remaster also has GLOC files, yes, why not.
There's just the question if it's worth when they already work on more translations
Portuguese wasn't featured in they translations
I mean it's obviously awesome for the older games but I'm not too sure if you should start translating the remaster already
I would wait till they released all of their desired translations
I'll might work on them if it is possible
would be useless work otherwise ^^
oh, alright, didn't know that
I want to translate XXL 1 too
you're good to go with portuguese then
But maybe there are languages that they don't plan to translate to?
I could help you with fandubs if you need some english/german/french voices
@Martyste Tendertail Thanks!
A fandub is possible if you can encode your voice acting files accordingly