you might wanna test it with the global kwns
damn, I just found a dictionary in that file
@Martyste Tendertail your file is only 1.53KB, I'm pretty sure there's no text in it
`` !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST``
That's interesting. Seems to be a part of their obfuscation 😄
also, looks like we have cut level sections just like Beta Rome, here it's Venitia
btw the 00GLOC is the french language file 01GLOC the english one and 03GLOC the german one. I'm pretty sure those are the lines who are used in the official cutscenes with the according audio files to them
yes, the GLOC files might be used only in specific cases in the remaster
I'm sure the devs put the new text in another file.
``..\Asterix & Obelix XXL 2\XXL2Resources\_Cooking\Texts`` you find them in here
Well I wan thinking of that folder, yeah...