It's just in a "prototype" phase
A lot can change afterwards
Yes but is just if you want to adapt it when the full release gets done
Only the first level (the main menu) can be edited
In the other level files the part containing the types of chunks in the file are encrypted because of a DRM
The unencrypted parts can be found in the EXE of a cracked/patched executable.
So I can copy the unencrypted parts to the LVL files then I can open them in my editor
But when I open the fixed lvl files in the game, it just closes when loading that level
@NoTeefy This is something you could help, Brother Teefy
Also @iTrash, you did the patch of both XXL1 and XXL2, any idea about encryption and obfuscation in the LVL files?
Note that this encryption is only present on the PC versions of the full XXL1 and XXL2 games
The console versions, the demo of XXL2 as well as the full version of Olympic Games are unaffected of this.
I wonder how long until we can find collision models
The collision models are inside chunks named "CGround"
But, what if you re-encrypt the files after editing?
i'd love to see Rome's collision data