Not if they're malware 0__0
For now good luck with the race etc.
You can help me get to windowed mode later 😄
anyone knows if you can still get it on windows 10 i tried recently and i have no idea how
Another one who needs a gamemodule, @yarnfang or @Noxus94 Could you please help him? I must go afk :/
Mine is the original patched version
So does anyone have any kind of solution for me? :c
Yes, there's a patcher that someone could Link or you could get a patched gamemodule from someone. I could give you mine but it is of the first patch meaning that it works on Win10 and all but it's outdated.
I can't patch gamemodule, cause I don't even have it in a game folder
And after copying the one from Marty there was no difference
So you do have a complete game folder or not?
You can scroll up to see all my files, except for gamemodule
and the game itself works fine
I just don't know how to play in a window with my version
Oh, for that you use DxWnd
Which can be a bitch to set up