The walls aren't inside the collision model, but they are created from the edges of the model
A wall can either be infinite, or finite with any height we want.
so it means that we can create personal levels with XXL2 basis ? or XXL1 ? or OG ?
And maybe other ELB games too
with glitches from what game ?
it was what interested me in my first question x)
well I think with the same glitches from the game you're making levels for
I didn't really understand the question 😃
how the mod exactly works ? how do you create the new level ? you export the XXL1 physics and models for example and then make the level with Blender ? or you have everything imported from all 3 games and you can combine things from all of them ?
Then, what game do you use to play the level ?
Right now I mod the levels using a hex editor
with help from my XXL editor tool.
oh ok so you create the level "internally"
yeah I remember hex editing one day a triangle from the visual map of XXL 1, it completely warped it but the game was okay with that
But at least this collision improvement keeps making search for skips interesting
First thing we do is restore Rome once the tools are advanced enough ❤