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Martyste Tendertail
a may be doing it wrong actually
Martyste Tendertail
i think I did the most optimal lean, but indeed the cutscene box reaches too far
Martyste Tendertail
Can you tell me now about the fountain setup, @AdrienTD ?
Martyste Tendertail
right when I said that i got it
Martyste Tendertail
Martyste Tendertail
4 minutes of trying!
Martyste Tendertail
Okay, I broke the game I think!
Martyste Tendertail
The cutscenes for Day 1 and Day 2 at Doctormabus' 3 Red Cyprees are overlapping...
Martyste Tendertail
And at the end of it, altough you can save, you are softlocked. Quit
Martyste Tendertail
then return to rewatch a different layering of th cusctenes allowin you to move
Martyste Tendertail
but the romanophone is gone
Martyste Tendertail
and the door to access the cable car is closed
Martyste Tendertail
i'll try going back and forth
Martyste Tendertail
okay the time gain my not be as impressive as it sounds
Martyste Tendertail
because in such a run, you have to clear the 3 Red Cypress's Romanophone
Martyste Tendertail
so the door stays open for you to come back at the end
Martyste Tendertail
as hard as possible, I tried doorskiping both doors to no avail
Martyste Tendertail
So, the route will be quite strange
Martyste Tendertail
1- Kill the 5 boars in reverse order 2- Do the mirror skip to enter the Olympic Village 3- Do the Bagpile jump to skip the 3 Torch Door 4- Save after the cable car for safety 5- Use 2P switch glitch to skip the fight and keep the podium 6- Go to the 3 Red Cyprees, beat the Romanophone challenge 7-Backtrack to the cable car to reload the version of the hub that has a podium standing ( the one connected to the 3 RC doesn't ) 8- Save again and redo the 2P switch glitch 9- Use the right fountain to crouch jump into the VIP Zone 10- Doorclip into the Chariot Race (Untested from here on) 11- Open the last door to the final battle casually 12- Buy the Twister Fusion for the ridiculously low amount of :helmet: you collected 13- Finish the game
Martyste Tendertail
A TAS of the Wii Version could be really entertaining.