Potion% on Olympic Games would be overkill lmao
Y, but its actually a type of speedrunning. The potion is so good in OG, i love so much the gameplay ( none objective opinion maybe xD)
I don't think a potion% would be much faster than any% tbh.
And you can't even do the potion in several levels because the class handling the potion (CKGrpA3LevelPotion) is not loaded there.
is everything that is in the WR possible on Wii ? <@&398463469114097665>
(When I'll be able i'll make the TAS of it if every glitches can be done on Wii)
I guess the glitches in the WR should work on the Wii too.
I think the PC and Wii versions were released at the same time so they normally should share the same glitches.
But I don't have the Wii version so I can't test.
But something I wonder is if on the Wii it is possible to access 2P mode without connecting a second remote.
Because otherwise you would need a second remote to be able to do some of the skips, even in 1P Any%.
yes but it doesn't matter if we can play 2 players on Dolphin the TAS will be the TAS no matter if it respects the rule of the speedruns
and actually i think it would save time to play in 2P mode for the all games and use the 1P mode for the glitch, (do you know if it works in reverse ? playing 2P and changing for 1P to make the glitch happens ?
yes, switching from to 2P to 1P and back to 2P should work too for doing the glitches
it's even easier for regular speedruns, because when you exit the menu and reenter the menu the game plays some frames, and it is difficult to reenter quickly to the menu while in 2P, the game sometimes doesn't notice the menu key press, and because of this the glitch can fail
maybe for a TAS that's not a problem anyway
it will be faster for other parts ?
I haven't tried, but maybe yes