@Nekin Yeah, because nearly every one of my runs dies five minutes in at one of the cutscene skips
I told you Failentin will WR on his first official attempt... xD
I seriously can't get a single run done anymore
I *always* fail at one of the cutscene skips now
What am I doing so wrong :(
I swear, if I fail the cutscene skips one more time, I will need anger managment

Ngl, for me this game is the hardest to run of all the XXL games ^^
Which one do you mostly fail?
Oof, they're pretty equal... But I guess it's rather the first one...
I always place Obelix behind a small piece of rock on the ground.
Also one tip: after entering the menu, hold the confirmation button for 1 second, then release the button to go back ingame and press the menu button directly afterwards
I think if you press the menu button too fast, the game might not register the second press
Yeah, that's the same visual cue I have. It's really the timing that's problematic for me. So thanks for the tip, I'll definitely try that out 😀
Yeah, sometimes you have to press the menu button very quickly after doing the crouch/slide, or it's already too late
Luckily there is a save point next to it
Yeah, maybe I should just activate that save point in my runs for safety...
Also the best way to practise the glitch 🙂
Yeah, I am trying to do the glitch as well, and I also fail right now 😦
Strangely enough, when I practice the glitch, I succeed most of the time, but the moment I start a run, I either fail at the first one, or in the very rare case that I don't, then I don't get far enough with Obelix on the second one x)
If I could just get both in a row for once, then I guess I could easily get a sub 14 run. Got quite consistent at the door glitch now (with another visual cue).