Having some cake *maaan*.
Awww sweeeeet, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
Can I have some, *maaaaaaaaaaaaan*?
but yeah now i use my right hand on a controller and left hand on a tablet to play comfortably
Travel ticket would make it a real expensive cake *maaaaaaan*.
Smart, I just use my keyboard but essentially the same.
I go there and have some cake, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
Hand over the adress so I can meet my *maaaaaaaan*, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
That's a real soogartooth you got three *maaaaan*.
I'm starvin', *maaaaaaaaaan*
Sugar's not going to help with that *maaan*. You'll only get a headache from the sugar rush due to the lack of nutrition *maaan*. Always better to have a proper meal first... *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
And I did have a proper meal, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
I just want some cake, *maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan*
I reinstalled my AMD drivers, Direct X and all, but nothing changed
what in the world, Melon DS??
When I installed my PC the first time around, with more things debloated, it worked fine!
Not even a fresh MelonDS install and config works, i'm lost
That's odd... Did you try a previous version?