i mean we dont know if its really him
but i am sure this is him
I only know two people who "ragequit" the server and only suspect one
Let's do the opposite: like-bomb it
Yeah, no. We gave the old coot more attention than he deserved
It is him. That's been going on ever since he left the discord...
Can he really never move on? Are we the only people he can annoy because he has nobody else left? -.-
looks like yt finally got the right time on the stream.
the preview always shew 1:30:09, but when you upened it it was only 42 minutes because of these lag spikes. they finally fixed it. now we can see the start as well.
@Noxus94 you can get more information in degenerate village
Yeah I have also noticed that the dislikes have stopped completely after I disabled ratings on my video. Really suspicious
https://www.twitch.tv/rimteii Someone is trying to do a speedrun ;D @Rimteii
I’m trying to do the mechanics b
I have also noticed dislikes on my videos too, since he left the server. Might be for the same reason... But I wonder now what he is doing of his life... It must take a ton of time to use dozens of accounts to dislike every video of every person in TXXLA...
wrong channel
oh wait sorry no didnt realize that you answered the upper comments
there is stuff going on in degenerate village as well regarding this lol