in my tests on twitch and yt, i played the first challenge in Pirate Island(spoiler: you go there after WCW) a few times to test, if the game would crash again
What were you doing when the stream on Twitch ended?
i think a message appeard that my wifi, for some reason, couldnt handle the stream and then the stream ended
and i was just walking around in Pirate Island when the message appeard
It could be that Twitch is more taxing on your internet connection. Send a screenshot with the settings if you can and I'll try to figure it out.
but i'll change the language first
I'll be absent for a while btw, I'll provide my input once I'm back. See you in a bit.
@M3rtButur4K What quality did you use to stream last time?
Twitch had a lot of hiccups the other day
it could also just be your internet connection having trouble today
what do you get if you activate the advanced settings?
you might wanna change the datacenter you're streaming to (frankfurt is a really bad choice, you're better of with amsterdam or vienna)
Send us a screenshot from if you can too.
and how do i change the datacenter @NoTeefy
@M3rtButur4K I don't know if it's possible through the PS4. Check the advanced settings.
Same for me, it might be in the advanced settings