I agree. all 3 games have amazing soundtracks
I went on speedrun.com and the wr for OG was completely destroyed last year!
I can’t think of a skip larger than that one!
hey, so I was just casually trying out some Speedrun strats today for fun and I actually managed to get them all except for the boss skips... I just don't seem to get Obelix teleported to me after going to the jail door... Does anyone have an idea how to get it rather consistently?
Hey :) To teleport Obelix to the other side, you have to position him close to the ledge (the spot that you can walk off of), then press the dash button so that he falls into the death pit and press the switch button at the same time. Now you are in control of Asterix again, and the uncontrolled Obelix that "died" in the death pit should be respawned behind Asterix.
do you know who found this trick, Failentin? Since it's quite a complicated trick ^^
thought so xD Was it on accident or did you actually think of killing Obelix and consider that he always spawns behind you?
Hmm... I don't exactly remember to be honest ^^ But I think I was trying out if there's some way to circumvent the game's way to block the uncontrolled character from falling into a void (normally, even if he is taking damage from the boss, he won't fall off but be stuck at the ledge). And when I noticed it ports Obelix close to Asterix, I thought about creating a boss skip with that trick and the door glitch.
now I'm thinking if we have such thought-through strats in XXL 1. Probably only Bathhouse passive lock
I was so happy when I found that, just so that Marty showed me some random YT dude found it before me xD
but still, we were able to cut 6 minutes with that
I always find it really impressive when people find such skips in literally any game, because it makes me wonder how they could come up with such a thing
Failentin brain

yeah, I remember seeing the bathhouse lock for the first time, I was super impressed ^^
But the absolute cake is still taken by the cutscene skips that Adrien found in Olympic games. Not activating the cutscene with an incredibly precise trick and then being able to barely jump on the podest (or later doing a door glitch), which skips several areas plus all olympic mini games - it's almost beautiful how well it all comes together ^^