It's already committed to the official LiveSplit-List
Try to reopen your LiveSplit. If it doesn't show under the Splits-Settings you might wanna wait for it
or install it manually over
the first way is the better one since you're getting updates from me automatically if something changes 😛
@Sora Aruzaky when do we make the XXL2 original one ? xD
i've tried things but i still wtf i going on with the game
@Nekin same... I don't have a single clue how this is supposed to work
@ViGadeomes We have a problem right now with a glitch which occured on all of our runs
but it seems unreproduceable right now
how do you differentiate between them?
@ViGadeomes nope, worked flawlessly a few days ago on the same version
glitch is a bug that can help you in a certain way not only in the speedrunning/TASing way
i'm trying something and than i tell you