but it will be for sure useful, no doubt on this we will be able to skip big parts of the game
how hard is this trick to do in RTA actually? Is it frame perfect? Not that I want to run this game, but still, I'm interested x)
kinda yes :/ you don't have much time to press again (and jump before descending to your previous Y position but the hardest thing is to do it repetitively for a long time depending on the high you need to go....
Martyste Tendertail
Ooof, it's some mix between Flybasha nd Zombie Hover it seems
Martyste Tendertail
But it's great to know XXL 2 DS just got broken so fast
sorry Martyste i didn't know what you were talking about when speaking about flybash xD just looked at the xxl one now and understood what it was xD
Martyste Tendertail
My bad ^^ But now you understand and you see how crazy it is
Martyste Tendertail
I am even shocked at the fact that this game lets you double jump when you fall off a ledge. Every other XXL, including the GBA one, let you only do a single jump.
x) shitty mechanics but it's not from ELB so :>
@Benlitzler any new ideas with this new discovery xD ?
Martyste Tendertail
I don't know much about how this game works, but I assume you can skip most things?
not all that's for sure because it seems like locked doors that you need to unlock putting fire or pressing buttons can't be passed by the top....
and others that you need to go up to enter normally (in a third direction) so you're high won't change anything normally but still i never try everything so it could be some potential for skips idk
@ViGadeomes I admit I am not going further than the first tutorial room since I have a lot of work currently, but the first two of the tutorial are not passable
i meant the infinite jump x), or flybash if we can name it like this