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^^ i know that i can't have all what i want but still x)
mmm i will stop there i hoped this flybash would have been more useful...
do you have any idea why the first wall did this in the video above ?
oh i understood why i got a magic potion in the vid ^^
I just found out you can do a quadruple jump with Obelix every time you launch the menhir rain... But I can't think of a single location where it could skip something... :Feelsbadman:
If only we had that combo before Louxor, then Louxor would be like 7 minutes long with good RNG...
but it's definitely worth to remember for potion% and maybe 100%
pc ?
well nice !
well rather frustrating, since there's not a single use for it in any% 😢
maybe for an other category it will be useful don't worry :>
for the DS version i'm finishing the 4th door of the tutorial and go to the door then i upload it on ytb and share it with you, i have redone optimally what i've previously done even if some frames can be still saved there and there
but the 3rd and 4th doors are skipped (i go directly to the flame in the 3rd and i jump over breakable doors in the 4th (i think it will be possible to skip them all :>)
ok so time at the end door : 6:00.616mins
watch in #user-videos :>
Amazing work so far, Viga! :PogChamp1: Those skips are really awesome ^^
thanks ❤️
i arrived at the eiffel tour by skipping all the transporter part, then i skipped the turtoise fight i had to activate the button to open the door of the eiffel tour(means the roman+the button), i went over the breakable door so no need to take the bomb (with all the things to get it) i skipped the sam dialog at the beginning of the eiffel tour and i'm now on the 1rst floor of the eiffel tour
most of the sam dialogs are very annoying to skip (also the ones in the tutorial) you need to do some flybash and even stop advancing for some frames to not activate it and wait for beeing higher....
will be hard in RTA that's for sure