Asterix loved the water too much? Or what do you mean?
make Astérix play Subnautica then
he will no longer love water
If someone (among Failentin and Baku) wants to try to understand how Obelix cannon teleport works in Egypt (after the 50 lock), you can have the following setup for quick testing :
- 400 skip
- 50 skip (light the keg)
- push the small stone block with Obelix
- come back to the druid and save
- forfeit and reload -> the 50 lock reactivates but the gate is open and we can move on quickly.
sure, I used that some time ago, but couldn't find out anything about the teleport sadly
Tried that now and Oblebolix didn't teleport x)
I didn't say he would teleport x)
I think that somewhere is some sort of "checkbox" like before lava cave which we need to skip to make teleportation possible
and it's probably somewhere near small doors for asterix