I will be playing the game on GameCube because my computer has problems with word
And my recording will probably be a shitty recording using my phone to film my tv
@Martyste Tendertail gonna work on a proper XXL run but I need to get a good remastered first ;P
And then it's already +3 runs ^^
Yeah. I don't care if you're on the bottom. Just look at the age of these runs
All the tricks shall allow everyone to get below 1:25:00 with ease.
So you have any hdmi output for Gamecube?
If not you can use EasyCap
Is a usb thingy than you plug to the pc
In order to see the gamecube in your pc
On GCN, I'd use my Composite to HDMI converter. The quality sucks, but hey, it works with my Avermedia.
I have the lucky to have my Wii that has Gamecube games and hdmi output piece
But if I were to actually go on Console, like I said, I'd pick Wii U.
But there is an USB Hdmi capture device
To anyone who can get Nintendon't in their Virtual Wii, it's a blessing