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AdrienTDBetter not remove evidence
AdrienTDUnlike some person
Mr.RubinshteinFilip stop playing overly smart person here the point has been made clear and crisp **Dont bring up the past of the server which is not a problem anymore**
Mr.Rubinshteinwe want to chill here and have fun
Mr.Rubinshteinnot bring up drama
Filip5011drama is fun
Mr.Rubinshteini have been at that time in this server and i had enough of it and would prefer to not be reminded of that
Mr.Rubinshteinbruh Filip has been declared braindead since birth or what
Filip5011takes one to know one /j
PegPeregoGauchoFilip is oblebolix! :Oblebolix:
Feurus FuchsusCan you just not, please
Mr.Rubinshteinbruh dont insult Oblebolix he is a sex symbol equal to PS1 Hagrid
Mr.RubinshteinFilip if you are having trouble in understanding stuff then better leave or behave according to server so it stays wholesome for everyone
AdrienTDRussian Mountain xD
yarnfang@Filip5011 people have been pretty clear that they don't want that shit brought up. Drop it permanently!
yarnfangAnd stop cluttering this channel with shit that don't belong!