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Mr.Rubinshteini personally wouldnt mind to do some discord streams of how i poop out my art
StinkekI tested streaming in The Chattering Room, I think... and then forgot it works...
yarnfangCould be fun.
yarnfangButt :3
Mr.Rubinshteini am a bit afraid of being annoyed 👀
Mr.Rubinshteinbut whatever
yarnfangThat's always a risk.
Mr.Rubinshteinyes that one of probably major reasons i dont do it here
yarnfangI would like to stream art but with the whole being bad thing... You know :/
Mr.Rubinshteinis there any way to make enterence by roles 🤔
Mr.Rubinshteinin voice channels
yarnfangYou mean make a callroom only available to certain roles?
yarnfangBecause yes...
Mr.Rubinshteinthere we go
yarnfangThat is a thing.
yarnfangEasy as well
Mr.Rubinshteinproblem solved