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yarnfangIndeed :)
Mr.Rubinshteini guess we are good to go then and stream stuff
yarnfangNice :)
Stinkek@yarnfang If Jesse picks one of these, he'll get access to #beta_rome_project :DBstyle:
PegPeregoGauchoHUGE :WeirdChamp:
StinkekContinuing from # , maybe Speedrunners really should be sorted right under the WR holders, instead of being separated by Druids and Blacksmiths? And since the server was intended for speedrunners, I guess Blacksmiths and Druids should be below Speedrunners?
Mr.Rubinshtein:WutFace: :WutFace: :WutFace: Discrimination:SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage:
StinkekThis shade of blue isn't very visible
AdrienTDThere are way more speedrunners than druids if I'm not wrong.
Mr.RubinshteinHalf of server are speedrunners
Mr.RubinshteinWhich mean art community needs to be bigger
AdrienTDAlso this server was intended for speedrunners, true, but isn't anymore.
Mr.RubinshteinIts time to burn the fire of revolution :PogChamp4:
Mr.RubinshteinArt moves the society
StinkekRight. We need more gay Romans. :TotalKappa:
Mr.RubinshteinAaaa why do I have pink color on my nickname
Mr.RubinshteinLmao xD @Stinkek
Noxus94pink? You should get your eyes checked ^^