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Bread@Ἀρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
PegPeregoGauchoits money laundering
BreadWhat are you talking about
BreadI honestly think a comic would be a cool prize
PegPeregoGauchooh wait he isnt american,
BreadWell the idea itself wasn't
BreadNot at all
BreadBut the prize
NekinThe idea of giving a game to the winner wasn't a bad idea 😉
BreadAs long as it isn't XXL 3:TotalKappa:
FailentinThe only thing I don't like about it is creating a new icon for the server x) I love the current one ^^
BreadIt's not bad but I think it could be better
BreadMiles mate I really don't understand what you mean
BreadNo one is going to steal an account