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Martyste TendertailAnd they go kabewm too
Mr.Rubinshteinplease add Spiky Kappa as well xD
PegPeregoGauchoit will be so small on screen
Feurus Fuchsus“Couldn't you see the bloody bombs ?“
PegPeregoGauchoyou need to circumcise it @Mr.Rubinshtein
Mr.Rubinshteinwe need to give it a try it will be visible for sure :TotalKappa:
Martyste Tendertailand yeah, when I get the time I'll give us well deserved HD numbers. our discord ones are even smaller than the original, scaled down for SM64
Mr.Rubinshteinand the Spiky Kappa with the Spiky Ball :weirdchampgun:
Feurus Fuchsus:VitrioThinks:
PegPeregoGauchoadding :5000: but not
:weirdchamp: :weirdchamp2: :PointChamp: 🍆
AdrienTDWhat about a ball lock?
Feurus Fuchsus:Feelsbadman:
Mr.RubinshteinMarty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Mr.Rubinshteinlet us full fill our Asterix fantasies
PegPeregoGaucho:Lock: :Ball: :2_:
Mr.Rubinshteini will save this emojis in case Marty forgets :evil: