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bakuI'll leave it here.
Mr.Rubinshteinthat looks ||:PES_GayFlagAlt: ||
Mr.Rubinshteinwe actually need a lot of new emojis related to Asterix this server has a limit of 100 emojis
Failentinany ideas? :VitrioThinks:
Mr.Rubinshteinwell 2 of my genius ideas i pitched to community few scrolls up :TotalKappa:
Mr.RubinshteinSpiky Kappa and the Spiky Ball
Mr.Rubinshteinand Metalic numbers
FailentinMaybe more spy emotes ^^
Mr.Rubinshteinoh yes
FailentinHe has the most expressions of all characters
Mr.Rubinshteini have special folder in memes specially for this :KEKWlaugh:
Mr.Rubinshteinthis emoji would be amazing
Mr.Rubinshteinand this
Feurus FuchsusWow
Mr.Rubinshteinalso this
Feurus Fuchsus:VitrioThinks:
Mr.Rubinshteinwhy not this as well