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PegPeregoGauchowould be too small :weirdchamp:
Mr.Rubinshteinthis would be perfect
Mr.Rubinshteinits perfect
Mr.Rubinshteinfixed it :evil:
Martyste TendertailNotes taken, sorry for not being available atm ><
Mr.Rubinshteinhe travels... he seeks for his trapped friends
rubinho146Damnc this is crazy
Mr.Rubinshteinadd a custom discord bot with Asterix lore related characters it will be able to play music/search art e.t.c.
Mr.Rubinshtein:HmmChamp: :HmmChamp: :HmmChamp:
yarnfangYou know, if it was blue then you'd have Parmesanicx
FailentinCould you add that to emotes? :ExtraCheeks:
Martyste TendertailYarny didn't add it yet? Let's see, if it works on mobile.
Failentinthanks xD
Mr.Rubinshteinhell yea
Mr.Rubinshtein:Comrade_Sam: :emoji_62: :Our_Helmetz:
FailentinNow users with Nitro can use it on Microids' server :TotalKappa: