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Page: << <  15 / 2009  >  >>
AdrienTDI made a text editor for XXL1/2/OG
AdrienTDNow translations should be possible!
rubinho146HOLY SHIT
rubinho146It accepts various symbols?
rubinho146áàéè ç ºª ã â ê
Martyste TendertailOwO
Martyste TendertailAmazing!
Martyste TendertailSo... you figured out data structures and the game can just be okay with it!?
Martyste TendertailDuuuuuuude!
Martyste TendertailCan you try if you program supports HD?
Martyste Tendertail@AdrienTD Made you modder, and you can add your program in Downloads now ❤
AdrienTDI only figured out the structures of the GLOC and LLOC files.
NoTeefy@AdrienTD are those values overwritten in the actual files or in the memory only?
AdrienTDThey are overwritten in the GLOC.KWN files
AdrienTDThe program can also change the size of the text
AdrienTDSo the file can become larger/smaller
NoTeefydid you reverse the whole KWN structure or the strings only?