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Page: << <  6 / 2009  >  >>
MoistManThey made a few great games
rubinho146Anyone can create games
rubinho146I would love to create a game
rubinho146But I don’t have ideas for what to do
MoistManI tried it and "succeeded" before
rubinho146Platformers is way overused
MoistManMy brother is "working" on a project
MoistManBut the project has been there for like 2 years now
rubinho146Fps overused
MoistManand it's not moving along very swiftly
rubinho146What is he planning to do?
MoistManOff-topic much?
MoistManI think we should move to DM
rubinho146You can talk here
rubinho146It’s general
MoistManHe 'is' making a third-person stealth game
MoistManThe idea is for it to be a simplistic game
rubinho146Hmm like tenchu?
rubinho146That ps1 game that is also with stealth
MoistManI played and beat Tenchu