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Page: << <  7 / 2009  >  >>
MoistManMy brother also beat Tenchu 2
MoistManNo, not really. No combat system there I think
rubinho146Well, coding is not my thing but I can assist with some art
MoistManFrom what I can tell it's the classic cycle-based short-levelled quick-hit game
MoistManHe knows csharp
MoistManWe both learned JavaScript back in the day
MoistManI can't remember it much now
MoistManI know HTML and CSS tho 😃
rubinho146I don’t love code, for me is a pain in the ass
rubinho146Learned HTML that is super easy css php
rubinho146But I don’t apply them in my lifestyle
rubinho146At the moment I work as a freelancer
MoistMani never drew as a kid
rubinho146Right now I’m doing an music animated video for a friend
rubinho146Doing a kid animation for a client
MoistManI tried to learn to draw for a few years
MoistManI failed miserably