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yarnfangNight o/
Martyste Tendertail
yarnfangThis is the area you want to start messing around with for recordings
yarnfangMake sure that everything is set up to record in a way your computer can handle
yarnfangAlso... If you had the problem I had randomly for a while where the recording just didn't work for no apaprent reason, then I do not know
yarnfangTry latest update
yarnfangI think you could also try Xsplit if OBS refuses to stop being a bitch
yarnfangI haven't used it in a long time and the free version does not have all the things availadle that one might want, but it should allow you to record :)
yarnfangOh yeah, settings I use are stupid high
yarnfangDon't use them xD I just have issues
ĆukaOkay thanks for helping but I cannot do that at this time now
ĆukaMaybe some day when I'll decide to do that
yarnfangWellp, do it when ever ya feel up to it :)
ĆukaOf course... Thanx again!
KaadzikHello , can someone help me with a "little" problem I have with the game?
Martyste TendertailI'm listening.