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KaadzikI've joined the discord, so I could finish the game after many years and maybe then run it ^^
Martyste TendertailYou're welcome for that.
KaadzikI've wanted to patch the game, so I could play it normally on widescreen monitor
Martyste TendertailAh, the widescreen patch uh? Gimme one second.
KaadzikBut how can I do it, when I don't even have "GameModule.elb" in game folder? 😄
Martyste TendertailThis one should work.
Download GameModule.elb:
Direct Download
Martyste Tendertailbrb, need to clean the dish
Huwebwhen is the races just ?
KaadzikWell, it still doesn't work
KaadzikBut how could it work, when my version of the game doesn't even have this file in the folder :V
Martyste TendertailIt must be a pirated copy. How does it look like?
KaadzikWell, it's not pirated, I've installed it from CD yesterday 😄
Huwebit's the same bug i was having
Huwebyou need to rename the other game module and you copy the patcvhed*
Martyste TendertailThen you MUST have that file.
Martyste TendertailYou shall have all the non-selected files.
KaadzikThat's all I have
Huwebyou need the orginazl game module
Martyste TendertailIce, that's the gamemodule I just gave him.