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Pandasill try yours
yarnfangYo @Pandas did ya get it to work?
yarnfangIf not there may be a certain setting you have to change on dxwnd
PandasYea i got it to work
Martyste Tendertail:)
Martyste TendertailFF17141F
ViGadeomesDid anyone ever played at "Asterix and Obelix Search for Dogmatix" on GBC or "Asterix sur la trace d'Idéfix" for french guys?
pyramidensurferIt took me less than a minute to find a pirated copy with Google. If you don't want to pay for the game, that is the least effort you could put into it.
ViGadeomesI have it man it's not the problem 😃
ViGadeomesmy problem is chariot race level 😱
ViGadeomeson Rome
pyramidensurferSorry wrong thread, I meant your question regarding XXL 2
ViGadeomesoh ok np x)
yarnfangSend screenshots in here