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yarnfangYou shouldn't have to use Optimized CPU
yarnfangAnd also not Keep aspect ratio
yarnfangYou set the size of the window withint the game
yarnfangFor some reason
ĆukaI have set what?
yarnfangOn main, you have Optimize CPU and Keep aspect ratio
ĆukaOk I understand that
ĆukaAnd what did you said last?
yarnfangThat you set the size of the window in the game
yarnfangBut yeah, don't use those to
yarnfangThe game can be run on a freshly picked potato
yarnfangAnd the game should be allowed the change the window size as it pleases
ĆukaI do not understand you...
ĆukaWait... Where did I... *set the size of the window in the game*
yarnfangIn the game
ĆukaI have to set it on what resolution?