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FailentinI think I only played RTC3 Deluxe :)
NoTeefywell at least one of the entry points that lead to it
rubinho146ifstream: : ifstream(char const *, int,int)
rubinho146How that works now? xD
rubinho146It looks like it just calls one track
rubinho146For every part of the game
NoTeefyWell from what I can tell right now it works like the following (the code snippet that I sent above is just the initialisation of that ini in the code)
NoTeefyIt will look for a file called asterix.ini
NoTeefyif that file exists, it proceeds further. It then performs some file checks (?)
rubinho146Figuring out the unknow is hard
rubinho146I even thought that every music was in the same track
rubinho146I created a music disc with one track with the 27 minutes long soundtrack and nope
rubinho146It loads the music from the beginning, always
NoTeefybtw there are some parameters you can pass the exe
rubinho146Like for example?
NoTeefy``` -setvideo -setlanguage -dialog ``` are the ones that I found