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Mr.Rubinshtein@Martyste Tendertail maybe should have those
Martyste Tendertail
Martyste TendertailXXL2's rip isn't from me, it's incomplete.
Martyste TendertailOG too
Martyste TendertailIf you would prefer, I have those in HD.
Martyste TendertailMy XXL1 PS2 HD buttons, specifically the 4 main ones are extremely accurate to their original counterparts, so there's no reason not to use them :p
Martyste TendertailSame for GC
StinkekOriginal size will do just fine, TYVM!
StinkekInteresting. The textures I found in the PC version have Xbox and generic gamepad (?) icons, but not PS 🤔 (a few more stick keys are in another texture) They're also bigger
StinkekI find it strange that the generic gamepad icons are there, yet my GG doesn't work properly with this game on its own, at least it's fixable with x360ce.
rubinho146You need more than just an hex edit
StinkekNow I have the button icons, but IDK what does what. I would like to have this table filled, please?
Filip5011the X is jump
Filip5011Square is action
Filip5011triangle is grab
Filip5011circle is dash
Filip5011on ps2
Filip5011I forgot which one is which for Dogmatix and obelix button
StinkekIt's for both XXL1 and 2?