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Feurus Fuchsushe did for both XXL 2 and 1
Feurus Fuchsus@Stinkek
StinkekThanks! Oof, Marty was right about the XXL2 PS2 texture being incomplete, it doesn't have the icon for R1.
Feurus FuchsusAnd missing the R2 icon
StinkekIt's there
Feurus FuchsusAh
Feurus FuchsusI had used the XXL 1 textures mainly
StinkekWell, I have everything needed for XXL1 at least, we'll see about XXL2 later
Feurus FuchsusEvery button input i have memorized except for dogmatix and Obelix
Feurus FuchsusThose i never remember correctly and have to check ingame
StinkekI follow Slap them All on Steam. In a post from December 8 they promised updates, like more languages and remappable keys, but now Winter is coming to an end and they haven't done anything.
Failentinthe Microids syndrome
rubinho146RIP portuguese
StinkekWhy did this guy have a drunk font?
StinkekDoees anyone play Slap them All with an Xbox type controller? I'm adding console button icons to the game's page in the table of advanced attacks. I've done PlayStation and Switch, only Xbox is left. I can't find any videos showing the tutorial for Xbox. I already have the icons, I just want to confirm what does what. With x360ce I'm using my gamepad like an Xbox type one. The 4 right buttons are named exactly the same as Xbox. Is this what Xbox buttons do? A - jump X - slap Y - special attack B - grab
Filip5011it's probably the same as PlayStation
Filip5011Square = X Triangle = Y Circle = B Cross = A
Filip5011but if you base it of XXL, Y is grab and B is dash/special attack
StinkekNo, this is a different game entirely