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Filip5011I found that feature dumb
Filip5011since time isn't speeding up, but only Asterix is
PegPeregoGauchoHah, the romans walk through the door!
schmeling65the solution is simple but not fully thought through
rubinho146Fixed the music for the Polish version of Asterix Mega Madness
rubinho146Dunno if there is anyone here that is polish that wants the fixed ISO
JenjenParibouI apreciate the effort
rubinho146YOu want it?
JenjenParibouAh, I don't speak Polish, just wanted to make you feel better
rubinho146Oh dang it xD
rubinho146I don't need that, I already feel good to help out the community and the gaming community in general
rubinho146The original disc didn't had the music
rubinho146CD Project red did really a low effort
JenjenParibouOh, I see
JenjenParibouWell, someone out there will probably appreciate it
Filip5011I always played the Polski version
Filip5011didn't realise something was wrong with the music
rubinho146There is no music on the disc
rubinho146What I did was add the CDDA audio