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rubinho146You can download that
StinkekI played Total Retaliation today and there was this
Mr.RubinshteinSamus Fisherus lmao
Mr.Rubinshteinbigus dickus
Filip5011Smallus Cockus when?
bakunever 😎
FailentinWhen a random mobile PvZ ripoff respects XXL2 more than XXL3 did
FailentinAlso, what wolf is he talking about :aPES_Shake:
Filip5011Caesar Furry confirmed?
StinkekIt could be a mere coincidence that two Asterix games made references to Sam Fisher without acknowledging each other
StinkekWasn't there a legend about two boys fed and raised by a female wolf?
LepidópterusYes that is part of the legend of the creation of the roman kingdom
LepidópterusWhich later became the republic
Failentinoooh yes, now I remember
FailentinAnd then Romulus killed his brother or something