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PegPeregoGauchoFor some reason more than 255 shadows will make the game stuck in an infinite loop
AdrienTDmaybe it uses a byte for its for loop :Obelul:
PegPeregoGauchoYou should check on that, Adrien
PegPeregoGauchoBecause then maybe we could have at least 1000 enemies at once :Obelul:
AdrienTDMaybe, but I probably have other things to check
PegPeregoGauchoYou need to check your privilege
LepidópterusFunny useless fact regarding og moves
LepidópterusYou can basically do the xxl2 roman pass with fire fists
LepidópterusWhen a character throws the roman at the other one and instead of a kick, it grabs and does the slam thing
LepidópterusJust double jump and grab
LepidópterusBut its very weak for some reason
LepidópterusIt literally one shot anything in xxl2
Filip5011power hammer?
Драган Шиљо Калезић остролехWhere can I download asterix at the olympic games?
Марія ФорґутTorrent.
Марія Форґут(--_--
Драган Шиљо Калезић остролехBut I cannot find it on pirate bay