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AdrienTDI wonder if the HD remaster is easier to mod
rubinho146It might be
rubinho146You can download the game and see the files
AdrienTDI forgot to put the 00GLOC.KWN file inside, but it's already uploaded there, so that shouldn't be a problem.
AdrienTDAnd for anyone interested, here is a Python script to put all the required files into a ZIP file:
Direct Download
Martyste TendertailIt's okay for the first file, it's installed now
Martyste TendertailNice Python working there!
Martyste TendertailOKAY, IT'S NEARLY PERFECT
Martyste TendertailAll text is working.
Martyste TendertailOnly the speech for the movies are still in english
Martyste TendertailAnd I know why.
Martyste TendertailI just found out, you can switch between the audio channels in each video
Martyste TendertailThere's one channel for ambience and sfx, and 5 others for languages. Of course, french is missing there too.
Martyste TendertailI just tested some PS2 videos, they can be played just fine, but they also come from a version with the french channel missing!
Martyste TendertailUltimately I'll take my videos from my PS2 disc
rubinho146I think the jpsce works to rip the video files
Martyste TendertailI don't need that
Martyste TendertailI'm nearly certain I can make OG play a video from XXL 2