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rubinho146That's why we love you @NoTeefy
MoistManBecause you do work that we can't do for free
rubinho146@SUPA BURORI
rubinho146You there?
rubinho146@NoTeefy Said he could help on the NOCD patch for the French
SUPA BURORIit's just a question for the text and audio scripts i think
rubinho146Gimme those files please
SUPA BURORIso much big, i haven't Nitro 😦
SUPA BURORIfinally i can replay NSMB Wii
rubinho146I have two Wii’s
rubinho146Got one from my grandma that was from my cousin
rubinho146It was bricked and I formatted the nand
rubinho146Now I have both a PAL and a NTSC Wii’s
SUPA BURORIFucking Hope that will be the new Broly
SUPA BURORI(for Hyper Dragon Ball Z)
Martyste TendertailI'm enjoying other ELB games after finding out how to fix the graphical issues with non-native resolutions for these games on PCSX2