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SUPA BURORIthat's "Evil Ryu full power"
SUPA BURORInew version of Mario Unimaker
MoistManKing’s Field argument
MoistManGraphically closer?
Martyste TendertailHonestly, I'm not going to judge you for what you like and what you don't.
MoistManLook, the KF games are an experience
Martyste TendertailWe just have different tastes.
MoistManDon’t compare them to first-person games with aged graphics
MoistManIMO KFIII still looks better than Skyrim
MoistManAnd KFIV, while a bit more lacking in style imo has an amazing atmosphere
MoistManAnd the best gameplay
Martyste TendertailWhatever you say, this game doesn't interest me.
Martyste TendertailI'm not saying it's bad
Martyste TendertailIt's just not my kind of game I enjoy spending time on.
MoistManAt least listen to the track I posted
MoistManI think KFIV has the best OST of the four
MoistManOnce you get to the city itself
MoistManIt kinda sucks before that