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GrandfeldusThat’s why i stopped caring for Jump Force
GrandfeldusI’m gonna buy the FighterZ dlc instead
rubinho146I don't think this is the good place to ask
rubinho146DM me
rubinho146Does anyone can turn this font in a good quality one?
rubinho146Or try to find the font online?
AndreofHazelI can try the latter.
AndreofHazelI'll do it once available.
rubinho146Thanks, man 😃
rubinho146Will need it for the game translation
AndreofHazel@rubinho146 From what game is this font?
rubinho146Is from lucky Luke western Fever @AndreofHazel
rubinho146It looks very custom made
AndreofHazelWhere can you find these letters in-game?
rubinho146In the main menu for example
rubinho146And in the pause menu
AndreofHazelThanks 😉