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Noxus94yeah, but too round. Everything is round, nothing looks any real
yarnfangSmoother animations :p
Noxus94that's no feature xD
yarnfangDamn :) Rosting it
Noxus94YOu always expect from a successor that it looks and works better than the previous one xD
yarnfangAnd usually come to realize that it's either more of the same or just different
yarnfangMaking a good sequal seems to be really hard
Noxus94Yes, it is, obviously. Because most developers either go completely over the top or think that they have to make a game that is 100% different to is predecessor
yarnfangMost of the time I don't like sequals for that very reason
yarnfangMake a game with a set start or endpoint
yarnfangThen leave it there :)
Noxus94Sequels should actually not be something completely new, but connect with the first game and just develop the systems introduced there and add things that still are in boundaries
Noxus94best example are Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II :x
Noxus94It's so much alike, yet completely different
yarnfangIt should be an expansion of some kind
yarnfangBut I still tend to prefer things with a decided end point
yarnfangIn everything :/