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Trapmaskwhy did i get reminded of that jeff dunun skit
Filip5011Flashback 1 is free on steam i think
Filip5011wait it's on GOG
Feurus Fuchsus
Feurus Fuchsus:TE_xqcKaren:
Martyste TendertailNot a Karen!!! AAAAA
StinkekThe graphics heavily remind me of Genshin
Trapmaski took every single avalable patch for mario advance 2 and combined them all into one.
Trapmaskno voice patch, restored music patch, restored color patch and the best patch of all, Super Mario Allstars Luigi patch. the game has been patch to where it now feels like a straght port of the game with all the QoL additions seen in the gba release
Trapmaski tested it out on a emulator and its just beyond amazing
Trapmaski did use the luigi patch as a bace before the others cuz that was what i was using before
rubinho146That is a lot of patcherinos
TrapmaskFUCK YAH BOIS!!!!!!
Filip5011never thought ill see a pac man game
rubinho146Is nothing new
StinkekBeen obsessively playing a browser game about collecting fantasy animals, many of which can have their appearance altered by playing around with layers and HSB