| AdrienTD | **====================**
**XXL1 QoL Patch**
**_Release 1_**
This patch adds some minor improvements to the PC version of XXL1 (original 2004 release), including:
- **Windowed mode** + size of window
- **Wide FOV** that adapts to any screen/window ratio
- **Fullscreen 16:9 resolutions** in the Video settings
- **Camera rightstick fix**: you can now map the rightstick on modern controllers
- **Mouse input**: map mouse buttons/wheel and movement to game input
- **Change speech language independently** from the text language
- **Infinite potion cheat** for Potion%
Just copy the files from the zip to the folder where you installed the game, change the settings ini file (or keep the default values), and have fun! 🙂 |
| Martyste Tendertail | **====================================**
**XXL1 Gamemodule Patches [Error Module 50279]**
The following files are patches of the game executable **gamemodule.elb** . You do need them if you are running the official 2004 release on a **64-bit OS**. Backup your original file, and use only one of them at once, depending of your needs.
**ipatix 64-bit patch + NoTeefy's Windowed and Widescreen improvements**
[Original upload date: by @NoTeefy ]
These original patches work with NoTeefy's auto-splitter for Live Split, however they will be detected as false positives from your antiviruses. Default runs in fullscreen and 4:3 aspect ratios, unmodified.
Default: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600017899045912589/GameModule_Ipatix64BitPatch.elb
Windowed: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600017901533134861/GameModule_Ipatix64BitPatch_Windowed.elb
Widescreen: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600017903940665357/GameModule_Ipatix64BitPatchWithWidescreen.elb
Both: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600017904976527361/GameModule_Ipatix64BitPatchWithWidescreen_Windowed.elb
**Polish release patch**
[Original upload date: by @Martyste Tendertail ]
This file was patched for the 2008 Polish localisation. As a result, it isn't flagged by antiviruses. If you do not intend to use the auto-splitter, use this file instead, with the **QoL Patch** above. Special thanks to Ciaparito for providing knowledge of the Polish version of XXL and its improved compatibility.
Download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/762507253957394432/gamemodule.elb |
| Martyste Tendertail | **====================**
**XXL2 Gamemodule Patches**
The following files are patches of the game executable **gamemodule.elb** . You do need them if you are running the original 2005 release on a **64-bit OS**. Backup your original file, and use only one of them at once, depending of your needs.
**ipatix 64-bit patch + NoTeefy's Widescreen improvement**
[Original upload date: by @NoTeefy ]
These original patches work with NoTeefy's auto-splitter for Live Split, however they might be detected as false positives from your antiviruses. Default runs in 4:3 aspect ratio. Running the game in windowed mode requires the use of a 3rd party such as **DxWnd** or **WinDOW.exe**.
Default: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600018097226907706/GamemoduleXXL264BitPatch.elb
Widescreen: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398237334878945292/600018100175503370/GameModuleXXL264BitPatchWithWidescreenFOVCorrect.elb
*Future patches or related improvements to XXL2's executable will be added to this list if created.* |