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Mr.RubinshteinPal Pal a1 both seems like they are the same
Mr.Rubinshteindont seen any difference in them
Mr.Rubinshteinwhat catches my attention is the prototype version
Mr.Rubinshteinit has more colorful assets
Mr.Rubinshteincant really spot a lot of difference
Herr Epsilona1, a2, etc. are revisions
Mr.Rubinshteindo they have any difference?
Mr.Rubinshteinusually bug fixes maybe?
Herr Epsilonmostly only small patches
Herr Epsilonyep
Mr.Rubinshteinso i can easily go with latest version and dont bother at all about old versions?
Herr Epsilonyeah
Mr.Rubinshteinthanks for info
ViGadeomesdepends if you want to speedrun it or not 😉
Feurus Fuchsus
Mr.Rubinshteinapparently this is how the magic carpet should have looked like