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rubinho146Various cores, various emulators
rubinho146And you choose what you want
Mr.Rubinshteindoes it support like very old consoles
Mr.Rubinshteinlike amstrad and such
rubinho146I believe so, I even played Atari on that shit haha
rubinho146Just try it out
rubinho146There is even online play for old consoles
rubinho146Like megadrive and such
StinkekCan those weird old PCs be called consoles?
Mr.Rubinshteintechnically they can
rubinho146I guess so ahah
rubinho146Very macho consoles
rubinho146A product of its time
rubinho146My goofness
StinkekI'm convinced
Mr.Rubinshteinoh lol i steamed this game
rubinho146Dang god ahahah
Mr.Rubinshteinbut lovely