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Trapmasklike on ebay or mercari or even etsy, ive seen people seel them on etsy
rubinho146How much of your ass you gave to buy that everdrive?
Trapmaskit was a late birthday gift for myself
Trapmaskhad to get help with ordering it tho
rubinho146So it was someone else that sold their ass
Trapmaskyah my dad
rubinho146Worship your dad
rubinho146Now and ever
Trapmaski orderd it directly from the people who make them before rusha fucked shit up
Trapmaski dont worship, i love my dad. he and i are actualy more close to each other now then what we used to be
rubinho146That is actually so nice to hear
rubinho146Lots of love
Trapmaskhe and i didnt realy see eye to eye cuz of me having autisum
Trapmaskwe butted heads alot
Trapmaskbut were close now
Trapmaskwe play cod together sometimes and like to watch movies together
Trapmaskmoving convo to #general
Trapmaskif you want to, i know i can be annoying to some
rubinho146NIce releationship with your pops Now me go die in bed