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JonasZockt German Stream Lets Go!
Feurus Fuchsussie mal einer an, wer wieder zurück ist
PegPeregoGauchowow, i did not expect this stream :PepeHands:
Feurus Fuchsusbut it was pretty short. he only played until the island with tons of crates before stop playing and start doing some talking.
PegPeregoGauchothats still one hour of missed content
JonasZocktThey always come when you least expect them
Feurus FuchsusXD
PegPeregoGauchoI guess I need to wake up way earlier than 2PM if I want to catch the next stream :LUL:
Kaydji[FR] pour fêter l'affiliation, je réalise le défi "Astérix & Obélix XXL: Unfair" en live sur : [EN] to celebrate my affiliate program, i realize the "Asterix & Obelix XXL: Unfair" challenge on:
NoTeefy[GER] Training für any% Speedrun #Bimbelibambibu !shop ansehen 👀
Feurus FuchsusEin Stream um 23:21 Uhr....
PegPeregoGauchoUrlaub :PogSmooch:
Feurus FuchsusAch na dann...
Feurus Fuchsusist ja alles gut
Feurus Fuchsusnur nicht außerhalb vom Urlaub in der Nacht streamen
Mr.Rubinshteinwow a new remaster finally came out
Mr.Rubinshteincant wait to see how it looks like