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bakuYou already know the answer, impossible
bakuspeedrun of life
bakugive mi a milisecond
schmeling65compared with asterix is actually insane. The FPS go down as hell and many many player can't even play with 10 ticks per second then because its too insane. Meanwhile in asterix everything smooth, no lags; not even that tiny input llag of the fight which is literally a burp or a fart. I'd say more is definetly possible and still performant
PegPeregoGauchoI tested with 1500 romans and the game will slow down to a crawl, only reaching about 15fps if the romans are on screen
PegPeregoGauchoalthough looking away will stabilize the fps to a smooth 60 again (but the cpu is still burning 🔥)
LepidópterusIdk whats the fixation with 60fps
LepidópterusLike bro, get used to 10
PegPeregoGauchoguess which core the game is :TotalKappa:
LepidópterusIts still 10 fucking images every second
LepidópterusInsanely fast
PegPeregoGauchoYour eyes can only see 10fps anyway
PegPeregoGauchothe human body is gpu bound
schmeling65which CPU do you have? Also that core isnt't nearly burning
yarnfangHuman body is GPU bound, physics is bound to the FPS. But then what happens to the people who try to run frame rate unlockers? :think:
Filip5011they defy physics
Filip501156s rn from me
Filip501154s just now